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development programs

harness - express - connect

The energy loop


© 2024 B-Contagious Ltd 


The shadow loop


© 2024 B-Contagious Ltd 


How do you loop?

You are contagious whether you think you are or not. You can be a positive energy looper or you can find yourself on the shadow loop. However you show up, whether you are on the energy loop or the shadow loop, has a direct impact on yourself, your team, and your peers.


Inspirational leaders spend more time on the energy loop - we will show you how understanding your energy can help you spend more time there too.


One of the advantages of understanding how our energy and passion impacts ourselves and others is that it enables us to notice when we are in the shadow, to hold that lightly, and to make choices that empower us to reenergise.


Curious? Visit our science section to find out how a leader's passion and relational energy link to how engaged and psychologically safe their employees feel



Designed to fuel growth



With our energy wheel, you will get an overview of your energy, how it is perceived, and the impact it has on you and those around you.  We will go on a journey with you to harness that energy so that it works harder for you.



Positively contagious people, positively influence the emotions and behaviours of people around them through their own emotions and attitudes. However, the energy connection very much depends on how their passion is perceived. We help leaders express their passion for maximum impact.



Relational energy represents the positive emotional energy we get from others in our social interactions with them. We help you connect in a way that energises your team - and yourself!


Creating lasting habits
and change

Our leadership development programs are designed to fuel growth by helping you understand how to harness, express and connect your energy to people around you.


Supported by experienced executive coaches, our approach is focused on the principle of ‘little and often’ to build lasting habits.


We’ll give you experiments to increase your awareness, facilitate self-reflection and take action, empowering you to take control of your own journey and become positively contagious more often.


Unlike other psychometric tools that exist in the market, we want to go on a journey with you. How you loop isn't connected to who you are. We all have the ability to be energised and to energise those around us.


When you understand what fuels you, and you act on it, you become your best self more often. People around you feel it too. It gives you the ability to positively impact and meaningfully connect.


There are no boxes or labels here! It’s all about unlocking positive energy to B-Contagious. We will share insights that will help you harness, express and boost your energy positively outwards.


Curious? Head over to our science section to find out how a leader's passion and relational energy link to how engaged and psychologically safe their employees feel.



Fuelling personal initiative

We will help you cultivate the mindset, skills, and strategies needed to turn your personal energy goals into reality.  We will empower you to take control of your own journey, and help you become a leader who inspires.​​


Increasing self-awareness

Self-awareness is the key to unlocking so much of what our assessment and leadership programmes have to offer. We will help you recognise patterns, identify strengths and areas for growth.​​


Taking action

We will take you on a journey towards purposeful action. We will help you overcome obstacles, and build the confidence to be the leader you want to be.


Facilitating self-reflection

We will help you become more attuned to how you loop and how your energy fluctuates. We will help you learn from your emotions and behaviours, in order to do more of what you love more often.​​


Leadership programs

Leadership development programs

Our 3 different programs are carefully designed by experts who understand behavioural change. They are focused on 'little and often' to create inspired leaders who get the best from their teams.


We focus on creating micro-habits and energy boosters, which have maximum impact with minimum effort. Leadership doesn't have to be difficult! We can all be empowered to lead with energy and B-Contagious!

Contact us for more info 

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